
0 -- Overrides 3d_armor’s get_armor_formspec function, replacing the preview image
1 -- with a 3d mesh of the player, where possible.
2 armor.get_armor_formspec = function(self, name, listring)
3 local formspec = armor.formspec..
4 "list[detached:"..name.."_armor;armor;0,0.5;2,3;]"
5 if listring == true then
6 formspec = formspec.."listring[current_player;main]"..
7 "listring[detached:"..name.."_armor;armor]"
8 end
10 local model = player_model_fs(minetest.get_player_by_name(name), "armor_preview", 2.5, .2, 3, 4)
11 if model then
12 formspec = formspec:gsub("image%[.*;armor_preview%]", model)
13 else
14 formspec = formspec:gsub("armor_preview", armor.textures[name].preview)
15 end
17 formspec = formspec:gsub("armor_level", armor.def[name].level)
19 for _, attr in pairs(self.attributes) do
20 formspec = formspec:gsub("armor_attr_"..attr, armor.def[name][attr])
21 end
22 for group, _ in pairs(self.registered_groups) do
23 formspec = formspec:gsub("armor_group_"..group,
24 armor.def[name].groups[group])
25 end
26 return formspec
27 end
30 -- Creates a formspecs mesh of the player-model.
31 -- Borrowed from i3 by Jean-Patrick Guerrero:
32 -- https://github.com/minetest-mods/i3
33 function player_model_fs(player, name, x, y, w, h)
34 local props = player:get_properties()
35 if props.mesh ~= "" then
36 local t = {}
37 local anim = player:get_local_animation()
39 for _, v in ipairs(props.textures) do
40 table.insert(t, (v:gsub(",", "!") and v))
41 end
42 local textures = table.concat(t, ","):gsub("!", ",")
44 return string.format(
45 "model[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s]",
46 x, y, w, h,
47 name, props.mesh, textures, "0,-150", "false", "false",
48 type(anim) == "table" and string.format("%u,%u;30", anim.x, anim.y) or "")
49 end
50 return nil
51 end