0 |
{{with .Data}} |
1 |
<div id="status-{{.ID}}" class="status-container-container"> |
2 |
{{if .Reblog}} |
3 |
<div class="retweet-info"> |
4 |
<a class="img-link" href="/user/{{.Account.ID}}"> |
5 |
<img class="status-profile-img" src="{{.Account.Avatar}}" title="@{{.Account.Acct}}" alt="avatar" height="24" /> |
6 |
</a> |
7 |
<bdi class="status-dname"> {{EmojiFilter (HTML .Account.DisplayName) .Account.Emojis | Raw}} </bdi> |
8 |
<a href="/user/{{.Account.ID}}"> |
9 |
<span class="status-uname"> @{{.Account.Acct}} </span> |
10 |
</a> |
11 |
ripetiĝis |
12 |
</div> |
13 |
{{template "status" (WithContext .Reblog $.Ctx)}} |
14 |
{{else}} |
15 |
{{block "status" (WithContext . $.Ctx)}} |
16 |
{{with $s := .Data}} |
17 |
<div class="status-container status-{{.ID}}" data-id="{{.ID}}"> |
18 |
<div class="status-profile-img-container"> |
19 |
<a class="img-link" href="/user/{{.Account.ID}}"> |
20 |
<img class="status-profile-img" src="{{.Account.Avatar}}" title="@{{.Account.Acct}}" alt="avatar" height="48" /> |
21 |
</a> |
22 |
</div> |
23 |
<div class="status"> |
24 |
<div class="status-name"> |
25 |
<bdi class="status-dname"> {{EmojiFilter (HTML .Account.DisplayName) .Account.Emojis | Raw}} </bdi> |
26 |
<a href="/user/{{.Account.ID}}"> |
27 |
<span class="status-uname"> @{{.Account.Acct}} </span> |
28 |
</a> |
29 |
<div class="more-container"> |
30 |
<div class="remote-link"> |
31 |
{{if .IDNumbers}}#{{index .IDNumbers .ID}}{{end}} {{.Visibility}} |
32 |
</div> |
33 |
<div class="more-content"> |
34 |
<a class="more-link" href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank"> |
35 |
fonto |
36 |
</a> |
37 |
<a class="more-link" href="/quickreply/{{.ID}}#status-{{.ID}}"> |
38 |
rapide respondi |
39 |
</a> |
40 |
{{if .Muted}} |
41 |
<form action="/unmuteconv/{{.ID}}" method="post" target="_self"> |
42 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
43 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
44 |
<input type="submit" value="malsilentigi" class="btn-link more-link"> |
45 |
</form> |
46 |
{{else}} |
47 |
<form action="/muteconv/{{.ID}}" method="post" target="_self"> |
48 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
49 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
50 |
<input type="submit" value="silentigi" class="btn-link more-link"> |
51 |
</form> |
52 |
{{end}} |
53 |
{{if .Bookmarked}} |
54 |
<form action="/unbookmark/{{.ID}}" method="post" target="_self"> |
55 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
56 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
57 |
<input type="hidden" name="retweeted_by_id" value="{{.RetweetedByID}}"> |
58 |
<input type="submit" value="senlegosigni" class="btn-link more-link"> |
59 |
</form> |
60 |
{{else}} |
61 |
<form action="/bookmark/{{.ID}}" method="post" target="_self"> |
62 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
63 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
64 |
<input type="hidden" name="retweeted_by_id" value="{{.RetweetedByID}}"> |
65 |
<input type="submit" value="legosigni" class="btn-link more-link"> |
66 |
</form> |
67 |
{{end}} |
68 |
{{if eq $.Ctx.UserID .Account.ID}} |
69 |
<form action="/delete/{{.ID}}" method="post" target="_self"> |
70 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
71 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
72 |
<input type="submit" value="forigi" class="btn-link more-link"> |
73 |
</form> |
74 |
{{end}} |
75 |
</div> |
76 |
</div> |
77 |
</div> |
78 |
<div class="status-reply-container"> |
79 |
{{if .InReplyToID}} |
80 |
<a class="status-reply-to-link" href="{{if not .ShowReplies}}/thread/{{.InReplyToID}}{{end}}#status-{{.InReplyToID}}"> |
81 |
responde al {{if .IDNumbers}}#{{index .IDNumbers .InReplyToID}}{{end}} {{if .Pleroma.InReplyToAccountAcct}}@{{.Pleroma.InReplyToAccountAcct}}{{else if not .IDNumbers}}{{.InReplyToID}}{{end}} |
82 |
</a> |
83 |
{{if index .IDReplies .ID}} <span class="status-reply-info-divider"> - </span> {{end}} |
84 |
{{end}} |
85 |
{{if .ShowReplies}} |
86 |
{{if index .IDReplies .ID}} <span class="status-reply-text"> respondoj: </span> {{end}} |
87 |
{{range index .IDReplies .ID}} |
88 |
<a class="status-reply-link" href="#status-{{.ID}}">#{{.Number}}</a> |
89 |
{{end}} |
90 |
{{end}} |
91 |
</div> |
92 |
{{if (or .Content .SpoilerText)}} |
93 |
<div class="status-content"> |
94 |
{{if .SpoilerText}}{{EmojiFilter (HTML .SpoilerText) .Emojis | Raw}}<br/>{{end}} |
95 |
{{StatusContentFilter .Content .Emojis .Mentions | Raw}} |
96 |
</div> |
97 |
{{end}} |
98 |
{{if .MediaAttachments}} |
99 |
<div class="status-media-container"> |
100 |
{{range .MediaAttachments}} |
101 |
102 |
{{if eq .Type "image"}} |
103 |
{{if $.Ctx.HideAttachments}} |
104 |
<a href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank"> |
105 |
[image{{if $s.Sensitive}}/nsfw{{end}}{{if .Description}}: {{.Description}}{{end}}] |
106 |
</a> |
107 |
{{else}} |
108 |
<a class="img-link" href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank" title="{{.Description}}"> |
109 |
<img class="status-image" src="{{.PreviewURL}}" alt="status-image" height="240" /> |
110 |
{{if (and $.Ctx.MaskNSFW $s.Sensitive)}} |
111 |
<img src="https://jam.xwx.moe/static/bildoj/konsterna.jpg" class="status-nsfw-overlay"/> |
112 |
{{end}} |
113 |
</a> |
114 |
{{end}} |
115 |
116 |
{{else if eq .Type "audio"}} |
117 |
{{if $.Ctx.HideAttachments}} |
118 |
<a href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank"> |
119 |
[audio{{if $s.Sensitive}}/nsfw{{end}}{{if .Description}}: {{.Description}}{{end}}] |
120 |
</a> |
121 |
{{else}} |
122 |
<audio class="status-audio" controls title="{{.Description}}"> |
123 |
<source src="{{.URL}}"> |
124 |
<a href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank"> [audio] </a> |
125 |
</audio> |
126 |
{{end}} |
127 |
128 |
{{else if eq .Type "video"}} |
129 |
{{if $.Ctx.HideAttachments}} |
130 |
<a href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank"> |
131 |
[video{{if $s.Sensitive}}/nsfw{{end}}{{if .Description}}: {{.Description}}{{end}}] |
132 |
</a> |
133 |
{{else}} |
134 |
<div class="status-video-container" title="{{.Description}}"> |
135 |
<video class="status-video" controls height="240"> |
136 |
<source src="{{.URL}}"> |
137 |
<a href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank"> [video] </a> |
138 |
</video> |
139 |
{{if (and $.Ctx.MaskNSFW $s.Sensitive)}} |
140 |
<img src="https://jam.xwx.moe/static/bildoj/konsterna.jpg" class="status-nsfw-overlay"/> |
141 |
{{end}} |
142 |
</div> |
143 |
{{end}} |
144 |
145 |
{{else}} |
146 |
<a href="{{.URL}}" target="_blank"> |
147 |
[attachment{{if $s.Sensitive}}/nsfw{{end}}{{if .Description}}: {{.Description}}{{end}}] |
148 |
</a> |
149 |
{{end}} |
150 |
{{end}} |
151 |
</div> |
152 |
{{end}} |
153 |
{{if .Poll}} |
154 |
<form class="poll-form" action="/vote/{{.Poll.ID}}" method="POST" target="_self"> |
155 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
156 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
157 |
<input type="hidden" name="status_id" value="{{$s.ID}}"> |
158 |
{{range $i, $o := .Poll.Options}} |
159 |
<div class="poll-option"> |
160 |
{{if (or $s.Poll.Expired $s.Poll.Voted)}} |
161 |
<div> {{EmojiFilter (HTML $o.Title) $s.Emojis | Raw}} - {{$o.VotesCount}} votes </div> |
162 |
{{else}} |
163 |
<input type="{{if $s.Poll.Multiple}}checkbox{{else}}radio{{end}}" name="choices" |
164 |
id="poll-{{$s.ID}}-{{$i}}" value="{{$i}}"> |
165 |
<label for="poll-{{$s.ID}}-{{$i}}"> |
166 |
{{EmojiFilter (HTML $o.Title) $s.Emojis | Raw}} |
167 |
</label> |
168 |
{{end}} |
169 |
</div> |
170 |
{{end}} |
171 |
{{if not (or .Poll.Expired .Poll.Voted)}} |
172 |
<button type="submit"> Voĉdoni </button> |
173 |
{{end}} |
174 |
<div class="poll-info"> |
175 |
<span>{{.Poll.VotesCount}} voĉdonoj</span> |
176 |
{{if .Poll.Expired}} |
177 |
<span> - enketo finiĝis </span> |
178 |
{{else if .Poll.ExpiresAt}} |
179 |
<span> |
180 |
- enketo finiĝos je |
181 |
<time datetime="{{FormatTimeRFC3339 .Poll.ExpiresAt}}" title="{{FormatTimeRFC822 .Poll.ExpiresAt}}"> |
182 |
{{TimeUntil .Poll.ExpiresAt}} |
183 |
</time> |
184 |
</span> |
185 |
{{end}} |
186 |
</div> |
187 |
</form> |
188 |
{{end}} |
189 |
<div class="status-action-container"> |
190 |
<div class="status-action"> |
191 |
<a href="/thread/{{.ID}}?reply=true#status-{{.ID}}"> |
192 |
respondi |
193 |
</a> |
194 |
<a class="status-reply-count" href="/thread/{{.ID}}#status-{{.ID}}" {{if $.Ctx.ThreadInNewTab}}target="_blank"{{end}}> |
195 |
{{if and (not $.Ctx.AntiDopamineMode) .RepliesCount}} |
196 |
({{DisplayInteractionCount .RepliesCount}}) |
197 |
{{end}} |
198 |
</a> |
199 |
</div> |
200 |
<div class="status-action"> |
201 |
{{$rt := "ripeti"}} {{if .Reblogged}} {{$rt = "malripeti"}} {{end}} |
202 |
{{$rtaction := "retweet"}} {{if .Reblogged}} {{$rtaction = "unretweet"}} {{end}} |
203 |
<form class="status-retweet" data-action="{{$rtaction}}" action="/{{$rtaction}}/{{.ID}}" method="post" target="_self"> |
204 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
205 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
206 |
<input type="hidden" name="retweeted_by_id" value="{{.RetweetedByID}}"> |
207 |
<input type="submit" value="{{$rt}}" class="btn-link" |
208 |
{{if or (eq .Visibility "private") (eq .Visibility "direct")}}title="ĉi tiu afiŝo ne povas ripetiĝi" disabled{{end}}> |
209 |
<a class="status-retweet-count" href="/retweetedby/{{.ID}}" title="klaki por montri la liston"> |
210 |
{{if and (not $.Ctx.AntiDopamineMode) .ReblogsCount}} |
211 |
({{DisplayInteractionCount .ReblogsCount}}) |
212 |
{{end}} |
213 |
</a> |
214 |
</form> |
215 |
</div> |
216 |
<div class="status-action"> |
217 |
{{$like := "ŝati"}} {{if .Favourited}} {{$like = "senŝati"}} {{end}} |
218 |
{{$likeaction := "like"}} {{if .Favourited}} {{$likeaction = "unlike"}} {{end}} |
219 |
<form class="status-like" data-action="{{$likeaction}}" action="/{{$likeaction}}/{{.ID}}" method="post" target="_self"> |
220 |
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{$.Ctx.CSRFToken}}"> |
221 |
<input type="hidden" name="referrer" value="{{$.Ctx.Referrer}}"> |
222 |
<input type="hidden" name="retweeted_by_id" value="{{.RetweetedByID}}"> |
223 |
<input type="submit" value="{{$like}}" class="btn-link"> |
224 |
<a class="status-like-count" href="/likedby/{{.ID}}" title="klaki por montri la liston"> |
225 |
{{if and (not $.Ctx.AntiDopamineMode) .FavouritesCount}} |
226 |
({{DisplayInteractionCount .FavouritesCount}}) |
227 |
{{end}} |
228 |
</a> |
229 |
</form> |
230 |
</div> |
231 |
<div class="status-action status-action-last"> |
232 |
<a class="status-time" href="{{if not .ShowReplies}}/thread/{{.ID}}{{end}}#status-{{.ID}}" |
233 |
{{if $.Ctx.ThreadInNewTab}}target="_blank"{{end}}> |
234 |
<time datetime="{{FormatTimeRFC3339 .CreatedAt.Time}}" title="{{FormatTimeRFC822 .CreatedAt.Time}}"> |
235 |
{{TimeSince .CreatedAt.Time}} |
236 |
</time> |
237 |
</a> |
238 |
</div> |
239 |
</div> |
240 |
</div> |
241 |
</div> |
242 |
{{end}} |
243 |
{{end}} |
244 |
{{end}} |
245 |
</div> |
246 |
{{end}} |