
Showing details for patch 55711515a58d2df7cd57e3b49af8409585132248.
2023-06-11 (Sun), 3:38 AM - Jaidyn Ann - 55711515a58d2df7cd57e3b49af8409585132248

Bildosigno de Emacs — hura!

Summary of changes
4 files added
  • pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/emacs.png
  • pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.hvif
  • pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.svg
  • pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.txt
1 files modified with 1 lines added and 0 lines removed
  • pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/pack.json with 1 added and 0 removed lines
Binary files old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/emacs.png and new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/emacs.png differ
Binary files old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.hvif and new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.hvif differ
diff -rN -u "old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.svg" "new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.svg"
--- "old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.svg"	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ "new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.svg"	2025-03-09 02:43:46.213245707 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+<svg version="1.1" width="64" height="64" color-interpolation="linearRGB"
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+  />
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+  />
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+  />
+  <linearGradient id="gradient0" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="17.38" y1="14.5" x2="56.57" y2="62.39">
+   <stop offset="0" stop-color="#8381c5"/>
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+   <stop offset="1" stop-color="#5b2a85"/>
+  </linearGradient>
+  <path style="fill:none; stroke:url(#gradient1); stroke-width:1"
+        d="M61 32.07C61 48.34 47.96 61.51 31.86 61.51C15.77 61.51 2.72 48.34 2.72 32.07C2.72 15.82 15.77 2.64 31.86 2.64C47.96 2.64 61 15.82 61 32.07V32.07z"
+  />
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+        d="M21.85 52.75C21.85 52.75 24.31 52.93 27.49 52.65C28.77 52.53 33.65 52.05 37.3 51.26C37.3 51.26 41.75 50.3 44.13 49.43C46.62 48.5 47.98 47.73 48.58 46.62C48.55 46.4 48.77 45.6 47.62 45.11C44.69 43.89 41.28 44.11 34.54 43.97C27.07 43.71 24.58 42.46 23.26 41.45C22 40.43 22.63 37.6 28.07 35.11C30.81 33.79 41.55 31.34 41.55 31.34C37.94 29.55 31.19 26.41 29.8 25.73C28.58 25.13 26.64 24.23 26.22 23.15C25.74 22.11 27.35 21.21 28.25 20.96C31.14 20.12 35.22 19.6 38.95 19.54C40.81 19.51 41.11 19.4 41.11 19.4C43.69 18.97 45.39 17.2 44.68 14.41C44.04 11.55 40.7 9.88 37.51 10.47C34.52 11 27.3 13.1 27.3 13.1C36.23 13.02 37.72 13.18 38.39 14.11C38.78 14.66 38.21 15.42 35.83 15.81C33.24 16.23 27.85 16.74 27.85 16.74C22.68 17.04 19.04 17.06 17.95 19.38C17.23 20.89 18.71 22.22 19.36 23.05C22.08 26.09 26.02 27.73 28.56 28.94C29.52 29.39 32.33 30.25 32.33 30.25C24.09 29.8 18.15 32.33 14.66 35.24C10.72 38.88 12.47 43.23 20.54 45.9C25.31 47.49 27.67 48.22 34.79 47.58C38.98 47.36 39.64 47.5 39.68 47.84C39.74 48.32 35.02 49.52 33.74 49.9C30.47 50.84 21.89 52.74 21.85 52.75V52.75z"
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+  <path style="fill:none; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0"
+        d="M21.85 52.75C21.85 52.75 24.31 52.93 27.49 52.65C28.77 52.53 33.65 52.05 37.3 51.26C37.3 51.26 41.75 50.3 44.13 49.43C46.62 48.5 47.98 47.73 48.58 46.62C48.55 46.4 48.77 45.6 47.62 45.11C44.69 43.89 41.28 44.11 34.54 43.97C27.07 43.71 24.58 42.46 23.26 41.45C22 40.43 22.63 37.6 28.07 35.11C30.81 33.79 41.55 31.34 41.55 31.34C37.94 29.55 31.19 26.41 29.8 25.73C28.58 25.13 26.64 24.23 26.22 23.15C25.74 22.11 27.35 21.21 28.25 20.96C31.14 20.12 35.22 19.6 38.95 19.54C40.81 19.51 41.11 19.4 41.11 19.4C43.69 18.97 45.39 17.2 44.68 14.41C44.04 11.55 40.7 9.88 37.51 10.47C34.52 11 27.3 13.1 27.3 13.1C36.23 13.02 37.72 13.18 38.39 14.11C38.78 14.66 38.21 15.42 35.83 15.81C33.24 16.23 27.85 16.74 27.85 16.74C22.68 17.04 19.04 17.06 17.95 19.38C17.23 20.89 18.71 22.22 19.36 23.05C22.08 26.09 26.02 27.73 28.56 28.94C29.52 29.39 32.33 30.25 32.33 30.25C24.09 29.8 18.15 32.33 14.66 35.24C10.72 38.88 12.47 43.23 20.54 45.9C25.31 47.49 27.67 48.22 34.79 47.58C38.98 47.36 39.64 47.5 39.68 47.84C39.74 48.32 35.02 49.52 33.74 49.9C30.47 50.84 21.89 52.74 21.85 52.75V52.75z"
+  />
+ </g>
diff -rN -u "old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.txt" "new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.txt"
--- "old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.txt"	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ "new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/fontoj/emacs.txt"	2025-03-09 02:43:46.213245707 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Prenita de la Haiku-pakaĵo de Emacs, kiu troviĝas ĉe:
+    https://github.com/haikuports/haikuports
+    /app-editors/emacs/additional-files/*rdef*
+Vi devus rekte elpreni la datumojn el la tekstodosiero tie.
+La bildo estas sub la GPL, samkiel Emacs mem.
diff -rN -u "old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/pack.json" "new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/pack.json"
--- "old-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/pack.json"	2025-03-09 02:43:46.213245707 +0000
+++ "new-jam-xwx-moe/pleroma/static/emoji/Libera Programaro/pack.json"	2025-03-09 02:43:46.213245707 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 	"files": {
+		"emacs": "emacs.png",
 		"gnu": "gnu.png"
 	"pack": {