
0 /*!
1 Pure v3.0.0
2 Copyright 2013 Yahoo!
3 Licensed under the BSD License.
4 https://github.com/pure-css/pure/blob/master/LICENSE
5 */
6 /* Submenus should still be display: block; */
7 .pure-menu-item .pure-menu-item {
8 display: block;
9 }
11 .pure-menu-children {
12 display: none;
13 position: absolute;
14 left: 100%;
15 top: 0;
16 margin: 0;
17 padding: 0;
18 z-index: 3;
19 }
21 .pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-children {
22 left: 0;
23 top: auto;
24 width: inherit;
25 }
27 .pure-menu-allow-hover:hover > .pure-menu-children,
28 .pure-menu-active > .pure-menu-children {
29 display: block;
30 position: absolute;
31 }
33 /* Vertical Menus - show the dropdown arrow */
34 .pure-menu-has-children > .pure-menu-link:after {
35 padding-left: 0.5em;
36 content: "\25B8";
37 font-size: small;
38 }
40 /* Horizontal Menus - show the dropdown arrow */
41 .pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-has-children > .pure-menu-link:after {
42 content: "\25BE";
43 }