
Showing details for patch 25ab895498360559f5049619ec205e41e5ef701b.
2023-05-23 (Tue), 9:42 AM - Jens Grassel - 25ab895498360559f5049619ec205e41e5ef701b

Cleanup: Replace tabs with spaces in reference.conf

Summary of changes
1 files modified with 152 lines added and 152 lines removed
  • modules/hub/src/main/resources/reference.conf with 152 added and 152 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/resources/reference.conf new-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/resources/reference.conf
--- old-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/resources/reference.conf	2025-01-16 10:01:31.909757881 +0000
+++ new-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/resources/reference.conf	2025-01-16 10:01:31.909757881 +0000
@@ -7,162 +7,162 @@
   # Defaults are given except for password and can also be overridden via
   # environment variables.
   database {
-	# The class name of the JDBC driver to be used.
-	driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
-	# The JDBC connection URL **without** username and password.
-	url    = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/smederee"
-	url    = ${?SMEDEREE_HUB_DB_URL}
-	# The username (login) needed to authenticate against the database.
-	user   = "smederee_hub"
-	user   = ${?SMEDEREE_HUB_DB_USER}
-	# The password needed to authenticate against the database.
-	pass   = ${?SMEDEREE_HUB_DB_PASS}
+    # The class name of the JDBC driver to be used.
+    driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
+    driver = ${?SMEDEREE_HUB_DB_DRIVER}
+    # The JDBC connection URL **without** username and password.
+    url    = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/smederee"
+    url    = ${?SMEDEREE_HUB_DB_URL}
+    # The username (login) needed to authenticate against the database.
+    user   = "smederee_hub"
+    user   = ${?SMEDEREE_HUB_DB_USER}
+    # The password needed to authenticate against the database.
+    pass   = ${?SMEDEREE_HUB_DB_PASS}
   # The general service configuration.
   # Settings which toggle something on or off are booleans (true / false).
   service {
-	# The hostname on which the service shall listen for requests.
-	host = "localhost"
-	# The TCP port number on which the service shall listen for requests.
-	port = 8080
-	# A directory into which files are written that are supposed to be downloaded by users (e.g. distribution
-	# files of repositories).
-	download-directory = /var/tmp/smederee/download
-	download-directory = ${?SMEDEREE_DOWNLOAD_DIR}
-	# A file which contains the key used to build the CSRF protection.
-	# If it does not exist then it should be created with sensible permissions.
-	csrf-key-file = /var/tmp/smederee/csrf-key.bin
-	csrf-key-file = ${?SMEDEREE_CSRF_KEY_FILE}
-	# The maximum allowed size of a file in bytes to be displayed / rendered via the web interface.
-	render-maximum-file-size = 131072
-	# Settings affecting how the service will communicate several information to
-	# the "outside world" e.g. if it runs behind a reverse proxy.
-	external {
-	  # The official hostname of the service which will be used for the CSRF
-	  # protection, generation of links in e-mails etc.
-	  host = ${hub.service.host}
-	  # A possible path prefix that will be prepended to any paths used in link
-	  # generation. If no path prefix is used then you MUST either comment it out
-	  # or set it to `path = null`!
-	  #path = null
-	  # The port number which defaults to the port the service is listening on.
-	  # Please note that this is also relevant for CSRF protection!
-	  # If the service is running behind a reverse proxy on a standard port e.g.
-	  # 80 or 443 (http or https) then you MUST set this either to `port = null`
-	  # or comment it out!
-	  port = ${hub.service.port}
-	  # The URL scheme which is used for links and will also determine if cookies
-	  # will have the secure flag enabled.
-	  # Valid options are:
-	  # - http
-	  # - https
-	  scheme = "http"
-	}
-	# Authentication / login settings
-	authentication {
-	  enabled = true
-	  # The secret used for the cookie encryption and validation.
-	  # Using the default should produce a warning message on startup.
-	  cookie-secret = "CHANGEME"
-	  # Determines after how many failed login attempts an account gets locked.
-	  lock-after = 5
-	  # Timeouts for the authentication session.
-	  timeouts {
-		# The maximum allowed age an authentication session. This setting will
-		# affect the invalidation of a session on the server side.
-		# This timeout MUST be triggered regardless of session activity.
-		absolute-timeout = 3 days
-		# This timeout defines how long after the last activity a session will
-		# remain valid.
-		idle-timeout = 30 minutes
-		# The time after which a session will be renewed (a new session ID will be
-		# generated).
-		renewal-timeout = 20 minutes
-	  }
-	}
-	# Billing / payment related settings
-	billing {
-	  enabled = false
-	  # Settings for the Stripe API used for billing.
-	  stripe {
-		api-key    = ${?STRIPE_API_KEY}
-		secret-key = ${?STRIPE_SECRET_KEY}
-	  }
-	}
-	# Configuration for the darcs module for vcs related operations via darcs.
-	darcs {
-	  # The directory used to store the actual repositories structured after owner.
-	  # ```
-	  # repositories-directory
-	  #   \_ user1
-	  #        \_ repo1
-	  #        \_ repo2
-	  #   \_ user2
-	  #        \_ repo1
-	  # ```
-	  repositories-directory = /srv/smederee/darcs
-	  repositories-directory = ${?SMEDEREE_DARCS_REPOS_DIR}
-	  # The path to the darcs binary executable. If not a full path (i.e. just
-	  # `darcs`) it must be present on the `$PATH` of the environment under which
-	  # the server is running.
-	  executable = "darcs"
-	  executable = ${?SMEDEREE_DARCS_EXECUTABLE}
-	}
-	# The email middleware configuration for sending email messages.
-	email {
-	  # The hostname of the email server (SMTP) to connect to.
-	  host = "localhost"
-	  host = ${?EMAIL_HOST}
-	  # The port number to be used for the connection.
-	  # This is usually 25 for local sendmail connections and 465 for SMTPS or 587 SMTP_TLS connections.
-	  port = 25
-	  port = ${?EMAIL_PORT}
-	  # Specify the transport method (security) to be used for the connection (should either be SMTPS or TLS).
-	  transport = "PLAIN"
-	  transport = ${?EMAIL_TRANSPORT}
-	  # An optional username if authentication is required.
-	  username = ${?EMAIL_USERNAME}
-	  # An optional password if authentication is required.
-	  password = ${?EMAIL_PASSWORD}
-	}
-	# SSH server component settings
-	ssh {
-	  enabled = false
-	  # A username for generic access to services for darcs clone, pull and push 
-	  # (e.g. `darcs pull genericUser@smederee-domain:accountName/repository`).
-	  generic-user = "darcs"
-	  # The hostname/address the SSH server will bind to.
-	  host = "localhost"
-	  host = ${?SSH_SERVER_HOST}
-	  # The port number on which the SSH server will listen.
-	  port = 30983
-	  port = ${?SSH_SERVER_PORT}
-	  # A path to the file from which the server key is loaded and also written to if it needs to be generated.
-	  # This file should only be accessible for the user account that runs the smederee service.
-	  server-key-file = /var/db/smederee/server.key
-	  server-key-file = ${?SSH_SERVER_KEY}
-	}
-	# Signup / registration related settings.
-	signup {
-	  enabled = true
-	}
+    # The hostname on which the service shall listen for requests.
+    host = "localhost"
+    # The TCP port number on which the service shall listen for requests.
+    port = 8080
+    # A directory into which files are written that are supposed to be downloaded by users (e.g. distribution
+    # files of repositories).
+    download-directory = /var/tmp/smederee/download
+    download-directory = ${?SMEDEREE_DOWNLOAD_DIR}
+    # A file which contains the key used to build the CSRF protection.
+    # If it does not exist then it should be created with sensible permissions.
+    csrf-key-file = /var/tmp/smederee/csrf-key.bin
+    csrf-key-file = ${?SMEDEREE_CSRF_KEY_FILE}
+    # The maximum allowed size of a file in bytes to be displayed / rendered via the web interface.
+    render-maximum-file-size = 131072
+    # Settings affecting how the service will communicate several information to
+    # the "outside world" e.g. if it runs behind a reverse proxy.
+    external {
+      # The official hostname of the service which will be used for the CSRF
+      # protection, generation of links in e-mails etc.
+      host = ${hub.service.host}
+      # A possible path prefix that will be prepended to any paths used in link
+      # generation. If no path prefix is used then you MUST either comment it out
+      # or set it to `path = null`!
+      #path = null
+      # The port number which defaults to the port the service is listening on.
+      # Please note that this is also relevant for CSRF protection!
+      # If the service is running behind a reverse proxy on a standard port e.g.
+      # 80 or 443 (http or https) then you MUST set this either to `port = null`
+      # or comment it out!
+      port = ${hub.service.port}
+      # The URL scheme which is used for links and will also determine if cookies
+      # will have the secure flag enabled.
+      # Valid options are:
+      # - http
+      # - https
+      scheme = "http"
+    }
+    # Authentication / login settings
+    authentication {
+      enabled = true
+      # The secret used for the cookie encryption and validation.
+      # Using the default should produce a warning message on startup.
+      cookie-secret = "CHANGEME"
+      # Determines after how many failed login attempts an account gets locked.
+      lock-after = 5
+      # Timeouts for the authentication session.
+      timeouts {
+        # The maximum allowed age an authentication session. This setting will
+        # affect the invalidation of a session on the server side.
+        # This timeout MUST be triggered regardless of session activity.
+        absolute-timeout = 3 days
+        # This timeout defines how long after the last activity a session will
+        # remain valid.
+        idle-timeout = 30 minutes
+        # The time after which a session will be renewed (a new session ID will be
+        # generated).
+        renewal-timeout = 20 minutes
+      }
+    }
+    # Billing / payment related settings
+    billing {
+      enabled = false
+      # Settings for the Stripe API used for billing.
+      stripe {
+        api-key    = ${?STRIPE_API_KEY}
+        secret-key = ${?STRIPE_SECRET_KEY}
+      }
+    }
+    # Configuration for the darcs module for vcs related operations via darcs.
+    darcs {
+      # The directory used to store the actual repositories structured after owner.
+      # ```
+      # repositories-directory
+      #   \_ user1
+      #        \_ repo1
+      #        \_ repo2
+      #   \_ user2
+      #        \_ repo1
+      # ```
+      repositories-directory = /srv/smederee/darcs
+      repositories-directory = ${?SMEDEREE_DARCS_REPOS_DIR}
+      # The path to the darcs binary executable. If not a full path (i.e. just
+      # `darcs`) it must be present on the `$PATH` of the environment under which
+      # the server is running.
+      executable = "darcs"
+      executable = ${?SMEDEREE_DARCS_EXECUTABLE}
+    }
+    # The email middleware configuration for sending email messages.
+    email {
+      # The hostname of the email server (SMTP) to connect to.
+      host = "localhost"
+      host = ${?EMAIL_HOST}
+      # The port number to be used for the connection.
+      # This is usually 25 for local sendmail connections and 465 for SMTPS or 587 SMTP_TLS connections.
+      port = 25
+      port = ${?EMAIL_PORT}
+      # Specify the transport method (security) to be used for the connection (should either be SMTPS or TLS).
+      transport = "PLAIN"
+      transport = ${?EMAIL_TRANSPORT}
+      # An optional username if authentication is required.
+      username = ${?EMAIL_USERNAME}
+      # An optional password if authentication is required.
+      password = ${?EMAIL_PASSWORD}
+    }
+    # SSH server component settings
+    ssh {
+      enabled = false
+      # A username for generic access to services for darcs clone, pull and push 
+      # (e.g. `darcs pull genericUser@smederee-domain:accountName/repository`).
+      generic-user = "darcs"
+      # The hostname/address the SSH server will bind to.
+      host = "localhost"
+      host = ${?SSH_SERVER_HOST}
+      # The port number on which the SSH server will listen.
+      port = 30983
+      port = ${?SSH_SERVER_PORT}
+      # A path to the file from which the server key is loaded and also written to if it needs to be generated.
+      # This file should only be accessible for the user account that runs the smederee service.
+      server-key-file = /var/db/smederee/server.key
+      server-key-file = ${?SSH_SERVER_KEY}
+    }
+    # Signup / registration related settings.
+    signup {
+      enabled = true
+    }