
Showing details for patch 39aa3fa836a0ac8dc763f18569e99ad8f37bb204.
2024-01-17 (Wed), 10:19 AM - Jens Grassel - 39aa3fa836a0ac8dc763f18569e99ad8f37bb204

Packaging: Remove creation of empty production.conf file upon install.

Summary of changes
1 files modified with 0 lines added and 28 lines removed
  • build.sbt with 0 added and 28 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-smederee/build.sbt new-smederee/build.sbt
--- old-smederee/build.sbt	2025-01-13 05:46:25.886714270 +0000
+++ new-smederee/build.sbt	2025-01-13 05:46:25.890714277 +0000
@@ -203,24 +203,10 @@
                 maintainer                  := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
                 rpmLicense                  := Option("AGPL-3.0 or later"),
                 rpmVendor                   := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
-                // Create an empty `conf/production.conf` file if it does not exist.
-                Debian / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Debian / maintainerScripts).value)(
-                    DebianConstants.Postinst -> Seq(
-                        s"touch ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf",
-                        s"chown ${daemonUser.value}:${daemonGroup.value} ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf"
-                    ).mkString(" && ") // Chain both commands together in the shell.
-                ),
                 // Require a service restart after installation / update.
                 Debian / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Debian / maintainerScripts).value)(
                     DebianConstants.Postinst -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"
-                // Create an empty `conf/production.conf` file if it does not exist.
-                Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
-                    RpmConstants.Post -> Seq(
-                        s"touch ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf",
-                        s"chown ${daemonUser.value}:${daemonGroup.value} ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf"
-                    ).mkString(" && ") // Chain both commands together in the shell.
-                ),
                 // Require a service restart after installation / update.
                 Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
                     RpmConstants.Post -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"
@@ -347,24 +333,10 @@
                 maintainer                  := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
                 rpmLicense                  := Option("AGPL-3.0 or later"),
                 rpmVendor                   := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
-                // Create an empty `conf/production.conf` file if it does not exist.
-                Debian / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Debian / maintainerScripts).value)(
-                    DebianConstants.Postinst -> Seq(
-                        s"touch ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf",
-                        s"chown ${daemonUser.value}:${daemonGroup.value} ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf"
-                    ).mkString(" && ") // Chain both commands together in the shell.
-                ),
                 // Require a service restart after installation / update.
                 Debian / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Debian / maintainerScripts).value)(
                     DebianConstants.Postinst -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"
-                // Create an empty `conf/production.conf` file if it does not exist.
-                Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
-                    RpmConstants.Post -> Seq(
-                        s"touch ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf",
-                        s"chown ${daemonUser.value}:${daemonGroup.value} ${defaultLinuxInstallLocation.value}/${normalizedName.value}/conf/production.conf"
-                    ).mkString(" && ") // Chain both commands together in the shell.
-                ),
                 // Require a service restart after installation / update.
                 Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
                     RpmConstants.Post -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"