
Showing details for patch 676138419a1e263eec4ad9ceec820928cea9964d.
2024-04-14 (Sun), 7:35 AM - Jens Grassel - 676138419a1e263eec4ad9ceec820928cea9964d

build: remove unused packaging settings from build file

Summary of changes
1 files modified with 0 lines added and 46 lines removed
  • build.sbt with 0 added and 46 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-smederee/build.sbt new-smederee/build.sbt
--- old-smederee/build.sbt	2025-01-12 09:43:56.053367941 +0000
+++ new-smederee/build.sbt	2025-01-12 09:43:56.053367941 +0000
@@ -277,12 +277,7 @@
-            DebianPlugin,
-            JavaServerAppPackaging,
-            JDebPackaging,
-            RpmPlugin,
-            SystemdPlugin
@@ -333,47 +328,6 @@
-        .settings(
-            Seq(
-                daemonUser  := "smederee",
-                daemonGroup := "smederee",
-                Debian / debianPackageProvides += "smederee-tickets",
-                Debian / debianPackageDependencies += "openjdk-17-jre-headless",
-                defaultLinuxInstallLocation := "/usr/local/share",
-                maintainer                  := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
-                rpmLicense                  := Option("AGPL-3.0 or later"),
-                rpmVendor                   := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
-                // Require a service restart after installation / update.
-                Debian / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Debian / maintainerScripts).value)(
-                    DebianConstants.Postinst -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"
-                ),
-                // Require a service restart after installation / update.
-                Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
-                    RpmConstants.Post -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"
-                ),
-                packageSummary := "Smederee Ticket Service - Software collaboration platform.",
-                packageDescription := "Leverage the power of the darcs vcs to handle your projects with ease and confidence, this is the ticket service",
-                // Debian / requiredStartFacilities := Option("$local_fs $remote_fs $network $postgresql"),
-                // Do not package API docs.
-                Compile / packageDoc / publishArtifact := false,
-                Compile / doc / sources                := Seq.empty,
-                // Require tests to be run before building a debian package.
-                Debian / packageBin := ((Debian / packageBin) dependsOn (Test / test)).value,
-                // Require tests to be run before building a RPM package.
-                Rpm / packageBin := ((Rpm / packageBin) dependsOn (Test / test)).value,
-                // Require tests to be run before building a universal package.
-                Universal / packageBin        := ((Universal / packageBin) dependsOn (Test / test)).value,
-                Universal / packageOsxDmg     := ((Universal / packageOsxDmg) dependsOn (Test / test)).value,
-                Universal / packageXzTarball  := ((Universal / packageXzTarball) dependsOn (Test / test)).value,
-                Universal / packageZipTarball := ((Universal / packageZipTarball) dependsOn (Test / test)).value,
-                // Prevent a customised local application.conf file to be packaged!
-                Compile / packageBin / mappings ~= { files =>
-                    files.filterNot { case (_, name) =>
-                        name == "application.conf"
-                    }
-                }
-            )
-        )
 // FIXME: This is a workaround until http4s-twirl gets published properly for Scala 3!
 lazy val twirl =