
Showing details for patch 9ce0c965a5e064b56313e5b494fea9a3224bb9c1.
2024-09-05 (Thu), 10:31 AM - Jens Grassel - 9ce0c965a5e064b56313e5b494fea9a3224bb9c1

Update os-lib to 0.10.5

Summary of changes
1 files modified with 1 lines added and 1 lines removed
  • build.sbt with 1 added and 1 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-smederee/build.sbt new-smederee/build.sbt
--- old-smederee/build.sbt	2024-09-16 20:06:00.374243546 +0000
+++ new-smederee/build.sbt	2024-09-16 20:06:00.374243546 +0000
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
             val munit            = "1.0.1"
             val munitCatsEffect  = "2.0.0"
             val munitScalaCheck  = "1.0.0"
-            val osLib            = "0.10.4"
+            val osLib            = "0.10.5"
             val postgresql       = "42.7.4"
             val pureConfig       = "0.17.7"
             val quickLens        = "1.9.7"