
Showing details for patch d8079eab571341eda1333a4e92d94c9a7566f6f5.
2022-08-07 (Sun), 6:17 PM - Jens Grassel - d8079eab571341eda1333a4e92d94c9a7566f6f5

VCS: Refactoring, Cleanup

Summary of changes
1 files modified with 48 lines added and 22 lines removed
  • modules/hub/src/main/scala/de/smederee/hub/VcsRepositoryRoutes.scala with 48 added and 22 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/scala/de/smederee/hub/VcsRepositoryRoutes.scala new-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/scala/de/smederee/hub/VcsRepositoryRoutes.scala
--- old-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/scala/de/smederee/hub/VcsRepositoryRoutes.scala	2025-02-02 20:06:27.850689335 +0000
+++ new-smederee/modules/hub/src/main/scala/de/smederee/hub/VcsRepositoryRoutes.scala	2025-02-02 20:06:27.850689335 +0000
@@ -42,6 +42,39 @@
   private val createRepoPath = uri"/repo/create"
+  /** List walk the given directory at the first level and return all found files and directories and their
+    * stats sorted by directory first and by name second. If the given path is _not_ a directory then no
+    * traversal is done and an empty list is returned.
+    *
+    * @param directory
+    *   The path to the directory that shall be traversed.
+    * @return
+    *   A list of tuples containing a relative path and the related stats.
+    */
+  private def listFiles(directory: os.Path): F[IndexedSeq[(os.RelPath, os.StatInfo)]] =
+    for {
+      isDirectory <- Sync[F].delay(os.isDir(directory))
+      listing <-
+        if (isDirectory)
+          Sync[F].delay(
+            os.walk
+              .attrs(directory, skip = (path, _) => path.baseName === "_darcs", maxDepth = 1)
+              .map((path, attrs) => (path.relativeTo(directory), attrs))
+              .sortWith { (left, right) =>
+                val (leftPath, leftAttrs)  = left
+                val (rightPath, rightAttr) = right
+                (leftAttrs.fileType, rightAttr.fileType) match {
+                  case (os.FileType.Dir, os.FileType.Dir) => leftPath.baseName < rightPath.baseName
+                  case (os.FileType.Dir, _)               => true
+                  case (_, os.FileType.Dir)               => false
+                  case (_, _)                             => leftPath.baseName < rightPath.baseName
+                }
+              }
+          )
+        else
+          Sync[F].delay(IndexedSeq.empty)
+    } yield listing
   private val parseCreateRepositoryForm: AuthedRoutes[Account, F] = AuthedRoutes.of {
     case ar @ POST -> Root / "repo" / "create" as user =>
       ar.req.decodeStrict[F, UrlForm] { urlForm =>
@@ -126,6 +159,7 @@
             .attrs(directory, skip = (path, _) => !os.isDir(path), maxDepth = 1)
             .map((path, attrs) => (path.relativeTo(directory), attrs))
+            .sortBy(_._1)
         actionBaseUri <- Sync[F].delay(
           Uri(path =
@@ -160,11 +194,7 @@
-        listing <- Sync[F].delay(
-          os.walk
-            .attrs(directory, skip = (path, _) => path.baseName === "_darcs", maxDepth = 1)
-            .map((path, attrs) => (path.relativeTo(directory), attrs))
-        )
+        listing <- listFiles(directory)
         repositoryBaseUri <- Sync[F].delay(
           Uri(path =
             Uri.Path.Root |+| Uri.Path(
@@ -201,14 +231,7 @@
-        listing <- Sync[F].delay {
-          if (os.isDir(directory))
-            os.walk
-              .attrs(directory, skip = (path, _) => path.baseName === "_darcs", maxDepth = 1)
-              .map((path, attrs) => (path.relativeTo(directory), attrs))
-          else
-            IndexedSeq.empty
-        }
+        listing  <- listFiles(directory)
         viewFile <- Sync[F].delay(os.isFile(directory))
         repositoryBaseUri <- Sync[F].delay(
           Uri(path =
@@ -226,15 +249,18 @@
         resp <- viewFile match {
           case false =>
-            Ok(
-              views.html.showRepository()(
-                actionBaseUri,
-                csrf,
-                Option(goBackUri),
-                s"Smederee/~$repositoryOwner/$repositoryName".some,
-                user
-              )(listing, repositoryBaseUri, repositoryName)
-            )
+            if (filePath.startsWith("_darcs") || filePath.startsWith("/_darcs"))
+              NotFound()
+            else
+              Ok(
+                views.html.showRepository()(
+                  actionBaseUri,
+                  csrf,
+                  Option(goBackUri),
+                  s"Smederee/~$repositoryOwner/$repositoryName".some,
+                  user
+                )(listing, repositoryBaseUri, repositoryName)
+              )
           case true =>
             SeeOther.apply(Location(Uri(path = actionBaseUri.path.addSegment("raw"))))