
Showing details for patch f2401b62e54636b4cc3cd948413c7ea632418cf3.
2023-02-24 (Fri), 3:42 PM - Jens Grassel - f2401b62e54636b4cc3cd948413c7ea632418cf3

Update CONTRIBUTING guide lines.

- change requirements for commit messages
- add requirements for referencing tickets or regressions
Summary of changes
1 files modified with 5 lines added and 3 lines removed
  • CONTRIBUTING.md with 5 added and 3 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-smederee/CONTRIBUTING.md new-smederee/CONTRIBUTING.md
--- old-smederee/CONTRIBUTING.md	2025-01-31 13:53:39.065967407 +0000
+++ new-smederee/CONTRIBUTING.md	2025-01-31 13:53:39.065967407 +0000
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@
 4. A patch MUST adhere to the "Evolution of Public Contracts" guidelines defined below.
 5. A patch SHALL NOT include non-trivial code from other projects unless the Contributor is the original author of that code.
 6. A patch MUST compile cleanly and pass project self-tests on at least the principal target platform.
-7. A patch commit message MUST consist of a single short (less than 70 characters) line stating the problem being solved, followed by a blank line and then the proposed solution and summary of changes. If the patch addresses an issue from the issue tracker then the title line should instead contain the issue number and title (e.g. "ISSUE-NUMBER Issue summary").
-8. A patch MUST NOT update the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) file because that might introduce dependencies between unrelated patches due to modification of related lines within the CHANGELOG.
-9. A "Correct Patch" is one that satisfies the above requirements.
+7. A patch commit message MUST consist of a single short (less than 80 characters) line stating the problem being solved, followed by a blank line and then the proposed solution and summary of changes. The description is not limited and may span over multiple paragraphs. Please use proper English syntax, grammar and punctuation and imperative mood e.g. "add visual highlighting" instead of "[This] adds visual highlighting." or "I changed the code rendering to include visual highlighting"
+8. A patch fixing a ticket MUST include a trailing `Fixes:` line in the commit message that links to the ticket, for example: `Fixes: https://tickets.smeder.ee/~jan0sch/smederee/123`
+9. A patch fixing a regression of another patch MUST include a trailing `Fixes:` line referencing the other patch by its hash, for example: `Fixes: 0b8e86ad1f6a182433d2f59ebf2d40b9b8931f50`
+10. A patch MUST NOT update the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) file because that might introduce dependencies between unrelated patches due to modification of related lines within the CHANGELOG.
+11. A "Correct Patch" is one that satisfies the above requirements.
 ### 3.4 Development Process