
Showing details for patch fe612691c2401e3626b15556fc8529509dcabaa9.
2022-08-12 (Fri), 12:09 PM - Jens Grassel - fe612691c2401e3626b15556fc8529509dcabaa9

i18n: Rewrite catch exceptions by default

The default behaviour is changed to catch possible exceptions and return
the given translation key instead. The old behaviour is still available as
Summary of changes
1 files added
  • modules/i18n/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
3 files modified with 46 lines added and 3 lines removed
  • build.sbt with 1 added and 0 removed lines
  • modules/i18n/src/main/scala/de/smederee/i18n/Messages.scala with 33 added and 1 removed lines
  • modules/i18n/src/test/scala/de/smederee/i18n/MessagesTest.scala with 12 added and 2 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-smederee/build.sbt new-smederee/build.sbt
--- old-smederee/build.sbt	2025-02-02 17:06:46.912340192 +0000
+++ new-smederee/build.sbt	2025-02-02 17:06:46.916340200 +0000
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@
       name := "i18n",
       version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
       libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+        library.logback,
         library.munit           % Test,
         library.munitDiscipline % Test,
         library.munitScalaCheck % Test,
diff -rN -u old-smederee/modules/i18n/src/main/scala/de/smederee/i18n/Messages.scala new-smederee/modules/i18n/src/main/scala/de/smederee/i18n/Messages.scala
--- old-smederee/modules/i18n/src/main/scala/de/smederee/i18n/Messages.scala	2025-02-02 17:06:46.912340192 +0000
+++ new-smederee/modules/i18n/src/main/scala/de/smederee/i18n/Messages.scala	2025-02-02 17:06:46.916340200 +0000
@@ -13,10 +13,42 @@
 import java.util.ResourceBundle
 import java.text.MessageFormat
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
 object Messages {
+  private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
   val DefaultLocale: Locale = Locale.ENGLISH
   val Filename: String      = "messages"
+  /** Provide a way to simply write `Messages("my.key", foo, bar)` to translate stuff. This function will
+    * catch possible exceptions underneath and in case of an error will log an error message and the
+    * underlying exception and will return the given message string instead a translation!
+    *
+    * @param message
+    *   The message to be translated, which should be a valid property key.
+    * @param args
+    *   A list of arguments which will be used in the [[java.text.MessageFormat]] to fill in placeholders.
+    * @param locale
+    *   The implicitly provided locale which determines which resource bundle will be used.
+    * @return
+    *   The translated and formatted (placeholders filled in) string.
+    */
+  def apply(message: String, args: Any*)(using locale: Locale): String =
+    Try {
+      val usedLocale =
+        Option(locale).getOrElse(DefaultLocale) // Fallback to default locale if provided one is null.
+      val formatter = new MessageFormat(getProperty(usedLocale)(message), usedLocale)
+      formatter.format(args.toArray)
+    } match {
+      case Failure(error) =>
+        log.error(s"Error during translation of '$message' for locale $locale!", error)
+        message
+      case Success(translation) => translation
+    }
   /** Provide a way to simply write `Messages("my.key", foo, bar)` to translate stuff.
     * @param message
@@ -29,7 +61,7 @@
     *   The translated and formatted (placeholders filled in) string.
   @throws[java.util.MissingResourceException]("if the message key cannot be found in the resource bundle")
-  def apply(message: String, args: Any*)(using locale: Locale): String = {
+  def unsafeApply(message: String, args: Any*)(using locale: Locale): String = {
     val usedLocale =
       Option(locale).getOrElse(DefaultLocale) // Fallback to default locale if provided one is null.
     val formatter = new MessageFormat(getProperty(usedLocale)(message), usedLocale)
diff -rN -u old-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml new-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
--- old-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ new-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml	2025-02-02 17:06:46.916340200 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<configuration debug="false">
+  <appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
+    <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
+      <level>WARN</level>
+    </filter>
+    <encoder>
+      <pattern>%date %highlight(%-5level) %cyan(%logger{0}) - %msg%n</pattern>
+    </encoder>
+  </appender>
+  <appender name="async-console" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
+    <appender-ref ref="console"/>
+    <queueSize>5000</queueSize>
+    <discardingThreshold>0</discardingThreshold>
+  </appender>
+  <logger name="de.smederee.i18n" level="OFF" additivity="false">
+    <appender-ref ref="console"/>
+  </logger>
+  <root>
+    <appender-ref ref="console"/>
+  </root>
diff -rN -u old-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/scala/de/smederee/i18n/MessagesTest.scala new-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/scala/de/smederee/i18n/MessagesTest.scala
--- old-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/scala/de/smederee/i18n/MessagesTest.scala	2025-02-02 17:06:46.916340200 +0000
+++ new-smederee/modules/i18n/src/test/scala/de/smederee/i18n/MessagesTest.scala	2025-02-02 17:06:46.916340200 +0000
@@ -29,11 +29,21 @@
-  property("Messages must fail with MissingResourceException if key is not defined in resource bundle") {
+  property("Messages must return the given key if it is not defined in the resource bundle") {
+    forAll { (message: String) =>
+      given Locale    = Messages.DefaultLocale
+      val translation = Messages(message)
+      assertEquals(translation, message)
+    }
+  }
+  property(
+    "Messages.unsafeApply must fail with MissingResourceException if key is not defined in the resource bundle"
+  ) {
     forAll { (message: String) =>
       given Locale = Messages.DefaultLocale
       intercept[MissingResourceException] {
-        Messages(message)
+        Messages.unsafeApply(message)
       assert(true) // Workaround for the intercept part.