
0 # Use simple notation to not confuse tools like rg and fzf which parse this.
1 # Bloop
2 \.bloop
3 # Darcs
4 _darcs
5 # Intellij Idea
6 \.idea
7 .*\.semanticdb
8 # Metals
9 \.metals
10 metals.sbt
11 # SBT
12 \.bsp
13 target
14 lib_managed
15 src_managed
16 project/boot
17 project/project
18 \.history
19 \.cache
20 # Vim
21 .*\.sw[a-z]
22 .*\.un~
23 Session.vim
24 tags
25 # Project speficic files for local development
26 modules/.*/src/main/resources/application.conf