
0 // *****************************************************************************
1 // Build settings
2 // *****************************************************************************
4 addCommandAlias("check", "Compile/scalafix --check; Test/scalafix --check; headerCheckAll; scalafmtCheckAll")
5 addCommandAlias("fix", "headerCreate; Compile/scalafix; Test/scalafix; scalafmtSbt; scalafmtAll")
7 // Enable the semanticdb compiler plugin needed by the metals language server.
8 Global / semanticdbEnabled := true
10 inThisBuild(
11 Seq(
12 scalaVersion := "3.3.4",
13 organization := "de.smederee",
14 organizationName := "Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS.md file",
15 version := "0.16.0-SNAPSHOT",
16 scalacOptions ++= Seq(
17 "-deprecation",
18 "-explain",
19 "-explain-types",
20 "-feature",
21 "-language:higherKinds",
22 "-language:implicitConversions",
23 "-no-indent", // Prevent usage of indent based syntax.
24 "-old-syntax", // Enforce classic syntax.
25 "-unchecked",
26 "-Wunused:imports", // Warn on unused imports including given and wildcard imports.
27 "-Wunused:linted", // TODO: Find out what this does!
28 "-Wunused:locals", // Warn on unused local definitions.
29 "-Wunused:nowarn", // Warn on unused (useless) `@nowarn` annotations.
30 "-Wunused:params", // Warn on unused parameters.
31 "-Wunused:privates", // Warn on unused private definitions.
32 "-Wunused:unsafe-warn-patvars", // TODO: Find out what this does!
33 "-Wvalue-discard", // Warn on discarding computed values.
34 // "-Xfatal-warnings", // FIXME: Make this work despite of Twirl!
35 "-Ykind-projector"
36 ),
37 coverageExcludedPackages := "<empty>;.*\\.views\\.html.*;.*\\.views\\.txt.*;.*\\.views\\.xml.*;",
38 resolvers += "jitpack" at "https://jitpack.io", // for JANSI fork
39 Compile / console / scalacOptions --= Seq("-Xfatal-warnings"),
40 Test / console / scalacOptions --= Seq("-Xfatal-warnings"),
41 Test / fork := true,
42 Test / parallelExecution := false,
43 Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.MUnit, "-b")
44 )
45 )
47 // *****************************************************************************
48 // Projects
49 // *****************************************************************************
51 lazy val smederee =
52 project
53 .in(file("."))
54 .settings(commonSettings)
55 .settings(
56 name := "smederee",
57 publish := {},
58 publishLocal := {}
59 )
60 .aggregate(darcs, email, htmlUtils, hub, i18n, security, twirl)
62 lazy val darcs =
63 project
64 .in(file("modules/darcs"))
65 .enablePlugins(AutomateHeaderPlugin)
66 .settings(commonSettings)
67 .settings(
68 name := "darcs",
69 scalacOptions += "-Xfatal-warnings",
70 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
71 library.catsCore,
72 library.catsEffect,
73 library.logback,
74 library.osLib,
75 library.munit % Test,
76 library.munitCatsEffect % Test,
77 library.munitScalaCheck % Test,
78 library.scalaCheck % Test
79 )
80 )
82 lazy val email =
83 project
84 .in(file("modules/email"))
85 .enablePlugins(AutomateHeaderPlugin)
86 .settings(commonSettings)
87 .settings(
88 name := "email",
89 scalacOptions += "-Xfatal-warnings",
90 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
91 library.catsCore,
92 library.catsEffect,
93 library.ip4sCore,
94 library.logback,
95 library.simpleJavaMail,
96 library.munit % Test,
97 library.munitCatsEffect % Test,
98 library.munitScalaCheck % Test,
99 library.scalaCheck % Test
100 )
101 )
103 lazy val htmlUtils =
104 project
105 .in(file("modules/html-utils"))
106 .enablePlugins(AutomateHeaderPlugin)
107 .settings(commonSettings)
108 .settings(
109 name := "html-utils",
110 scalacOptions += "-Xfatal-warnings",
111 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
112 library.catsCore,
113 library.http4sCore,
114 library.ip4sCore,
115 library.laikaCore,
116 library.logback,
117 library.munit % Test,
118 library.munitScalaCheck % Test,
119 library.scalaCheck % Test
120 )
121 )
123 lazy val hub =
124 project
125 .in(file("modules/hub"))
126 .dependsOn(darcs, email, htmlUtils, i18n, security, twirl)
127 .enablePlugins(
128 AutomateHeaderPlugin,
129 BuildInfoPlugin,
130 DebianPlugin,
131 JavaServerAppPackaging,
132 JDebPackaging,
133 RpmPlugin,
134 SbtTwirl,
135 SystemdPlugin
136 )
137 .settings(commonSettings)
138 .settings(
139 name := "smederee-hub",
140 buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](name, version, scalaVersion),
141 buildInfoPackage := "de.smederee.hub",
142 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
143 library.apacheSshdCore,
144 library.apacheSshdSftp,
145 library.apacheSshdScp,
146 library.bouncyCastleProvider,
147 library.catsCore,
148 library.circeCore,
149 library.circeGeneric,
150 library.circeParser,
151 library.doobieCore,
152 library.doobieHikari,
153 library.doobiePostgres,
154 library.ed25519Java, // FIXME: Replace with BouncyCastle once implemented in Mina-SSHD!
155 library.flywayCore,
156 library.flywayPostgreSQL,
157 library.http4sCirce,
158 library.http4sCore,
159 library.http4sDsl,
160 library.http4sEmberClient,
161 library.http4sEmberServer,
162 // library.http4sTwirl,
163 library.jansi,
164 library.jclOverSlf4j, // Bridge Java Commons Logging to SLF4J.
165 library.log4catsSlf4j,
166 library.logback,
167 library.monocleCore,
168 library.monocleMacro,
169 library.osLib,
170 library.postgresql,
171 library.pureConfig,
172 library.springSecurityCrypto,
173 library.munit % Test,
174 library.munitCatsEffect % Test,
175 library.munitScalaCheck % Test,
176 library.scalaCheck % Test,
177 library.scalaCheckEffect % Test
178 ),
179 TwirlKeys.templateImports ++= Seq(
180 "cats.*",
181 "cats.data.*",
182 "cats.syntax.all.*",
183 "de.smederee.html.*",
184 "de.smederee.i18n.*",
185 "de.smederee.security.{ CsrfToken, UserId, Username }",
186 "org.http4s.Uri"
187 )
188 )
189 .settings(
190 Seq(
191 daemonUser := "smederee",
192 daemonGroup := "smederee",
193 Debian / debianPackageProvides += "smederee-hub",
194 Debian / debianPackageDependencies += "openjdk-17-jre-headless",
195 defaultLinuxInstallLocation := "/usr/local/share",
196 maintainer := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
197 rpmLicense := Option("EUPL 1.2 or later"),
198 rpmVendor := "Wegtam GmbH <devops@wegtam.com>",
199 // Require a service restart after installation / update.
200 Debian / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Debian / maintainerScripts).value)(
201 DebianConstants.Postinst -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"
202 ),
203 // Require a service restart after installation / update.
204 Rpm / maintainerScripts := maintainerScriptsAppend((Rpm / maintainerScripts).value)(
205 RpmConstants.Post -> s"restartService ${normalizedName.value}"
206 ),
207 packageSummary := "Smederee Hub Service - Software collaboration platform.",
208 packageDescription := "Leverage the power of the darcs vcs to handle your projects with ease and confidence, this is the central hub service",
209 // Debian / requiredStartFacilities := Option("$local_fs $remote_fs $network $postgresql"),
210 // Do not package API docs.
211 Compile / packageDoc / publishArtifact := false,
212 Compile / doc / sources := Seq.empty,
213 // Prevent a customised local application.conf file to be packaged!
214 Compile / packageBin / mappings ~= { files =>
215 files.filterNot { case (_, name) =>
216 name == "application.conf"
217 }
218 }
219 )
220 )
222 lazy val i18n =
223 project
224 .in(file("modules/i18n"))
225 .enablePlugins(AutomateHeaderPlugin)
226 .settings(commonSettings)
227 .settings(
228 name := "i18n",
229 scalacOptions += "-Xfatal-warnings",
230 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
231 library.catsCore,
232 library.logback,
233 library.munit % Test,
234 library.munitScalaCheck % Test,
235 library.scalaCheck % Test
236 )
237 )
239 lazy val security =
240 project
241 .in(file("modules/security"))
242 .enablePlugins(AutomateHeaderPlugin)
243 .settings(commonSettings)
244 .settings(
245 name := "security",
246 scalacOptions += "-Xfatal-warnings",
247 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
248 library.bouncyCastleProvider % Runtime,
249 library.catsCore,
250 library.jclOverSlf4j, // Bridge Java Commons Logging to SLF4J.
251 library.logback,
252 library.springSecurityCrypto,
253 library.munit % Test,
254 library.munitScalaCheck % Test,
255 library.scalaCheck % Test
256 )
257 )
259 // FIXME: This is a workaround until http4s-twirl gets published properly for Scala 3!
260 lazy val twirl =
261 project
262 .in(file("twirl"))
263 .enablePlugins(SbtTwirl)
264 .settings(commonSettings)
265 .settings(
266 name := "twirl",
267 version := "0.1.0",
268 libraryDependencies += library.http4sCore
269 )
271 // *****************************************************************************
272 // Library dependencies
273 // *****************************************************************************
275 lazy val library =
276 new {
277 object Version {
278 val apacheSshd = "2.14.0"
279 val bouncyCastle = "1.79"
280 val cats = "2.12.0"
281 val catsEffect = "3.5.7"
282 val circe = "0.14.10"
283 val doobie = "1.0.0-RC6"
284 val flyway = "11.0.0"
285 val fs2 = "3.5.0"
286 val http4s = "1.0.0-M43"
287 val ip4s = "3.6.0"
288 val jansi = "2.4.6"
289 val jclOverSlf4j = "2.0.16"
290 val laika = "1.2.1"
291 val log4cats = "2.7.0"
292 val logback = "1.5.12"
293 val monocle = "3.3.0"
294 val munit = "1.0.3"
295 val munitCatsEffect = "2.0.0"
296 val munitScalaCheck = "1.0.0"
297 val osLib = "0.11.3"
298 val postgresql = "42.7.4"
299 val pureConfig = "0.17.8"
300 val scalaCheck = "1.18.1"
301 val scalaCheckEffect = "1.0.4"
302 val simpleJavaMail = "8.12.3"
303 val springSecurity = "6.4.1"
304 }
305 val apacheSshdCore = "org.apache.sshd" % "sshd-core" % Version.apacheSshd
306 val apacheSshdSftp = "org.apache.sshd" % "sshd-sftp" % Version.apacheSshd
307 val apacheSshdScp = "org.apache.sshd" % "sshd-scp" % Version.apacheSshd
308 val bouncyCastleProvider = "org.bouncycastle" % "bcprov-jdk18on" % Version.bouncyCastle
309 val catsCore = "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % Version.cats
310 val catsEffect = "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % Version.catsEffect
311 val circeCore = "io.circe" %% "circe-core" % Version.circe
312 val circeGeneric = "io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % Version.circe
313 val circeParser = "io.circe" %% "circe-parser" % Version.circe
314 val doobieCore = "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-core" % Version.doobie
315 val doobieHikari = "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-hikari" % Version.doobie
316 val doobiePostgres = "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-postgres" % Version.doobie
317 val doobieScalaTest = "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-scalatest" % Version.doobie
318 val ed25519Java = "net.i2p.crypto" % "eddsa" % "0.3.0"
319 val flywayCore = "org.flywaydb" % "flyway-core" % Version.flyway
320 val flywayPostgreSQL = "org.flywaydb" % "flyway-database-postgresql" % Version.flyway
321 val fs2Core = "co.fs2" %% "fs2-core" % Version.fs2
322 val fs2IO = "co.fs2" %% "fs2-io" % Version.fs2
323 val http4sCirce = "org.http4s" %% "http4s-circe" % Version.http4s
324 val http4sCore = "org.http4s" %% "http4s-core" % Version.http4s
325 val http4sDsl = "org.http4s" %% "http4s-dsl" % Version.http4s
326 val http4sEmberServer = "org.http4s" %% "http4s-ember-server" % Version.http4s
327 val http4sEmberClient = "org.http4s" %% "http4s-ember-client" % Version.http4s
328 val ip4sCore = "com.comcast" %% "ip4s-core" % Version.ip4s
329 val jansi = "com.github.Osiris-Team" % "jansi" % Version.jansi
330 val jclOverSlf4j = "org.slf4j" % "jcl-over-slf4j" % Version.jclOverSlf4j
331 val laikaCore = "org.typelevel" %% "laika-core" % Version.laika
332 val log4catsSlf4j = "org.typelevel" %% "log4cats-slf4j" % Version.log4cats
333 val logback = "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % Version.logback
334 val monocleCore = "dev.optics" %% "monocle-core" % Version.monocle
335 val monocleMacro = "dev.optics" %% "monocle-macro" % Version.monocle
336 val munit = "org.scalameta" %% "munit" % Version.munit
337 val munitCatsEffect = "org.typelevel" %% "munit-cats-effect" % Version.munitCatsEffect
338 val munitScalaCheck = "org.scalameta" %% "munit-scalacheck" % Version.munitScalaCheck
339 val osLib = "com.lihaoyi" %% "os-lib" % Version.osLib
340 val postgresql = "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % Version.postgresql
341 val pureConfig = "com.github.pureconfig" %% "pureconfig-core" % Version.pureConfig
342 val scalaCheck = "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % Version.scalaCheck
343 val scalaCheckEffect = "org.typelevel" %% "scalacheck-effect-munit" % Version.scalaCheckEffect
344 val simpleJavaMail = "org.simplejavamail" % "simple-java-mail" % Version.simpleJavaMail
345 val springSecurityCrypto = "org.springframework.security" % "spring-security-crypto" % Version.springSecurity
346 }
348 // *****************************************************************************
349 // Settings
350 // *****************************************************************************
352 lazy val commonSettings =
353 codeSettings ++
354 scalafmtSettings
356 lazy val codeSettings =
357 Seq(
358 startYear := Option(2022),
359 headerLicense := startYear.value.map(year =>
360 HeaderLicense.Custom(
361 s"""|Copyright (c) $year ${organizationName.value}
362 |
363 |Licensed under the EUPL""".stripMargin
364 )
365 )
366 )
368 lazy val scalafmtSettings =
369 Seq(
370 scalafmtOnCompile := false
371 )