Details about the public alpha phase of Smederee.
Although we are aiming for high quality software an alpha implies several rough edges which we will explain a bit on this page.

Issues to expect
As mentioned some issues are to be expected, most notably:
Incomplete feature set
Several features are not yet available.
Existing services might be subject to change
As we are developing and testing our product we might run into situations where bigger changes to existing features are necessary. Nonetheless we try to reduce these to a minimum.
Payment will be required eventually.
Once we reach the phase in which the project stabilises and can be considered production ready all users who maintain (host) their own project(s) here are expected to pay. This does not include contributors who only create an account to contribute to projects hosted on the Smederee. However there is no payment plan yet and also we do not plan to price out users that are unable to pay. We will communicate these changes in advance and try to reach a feasible solution. Payment functionality will be rolled out and tested after we leave the alpha and enter the beta phase.
Guarantees during alpha
Even though the Smederee is considered alpha we provide the following guarantees:
Safety of account data
Frequent backups are performed and everything is stored on servers inside the EU which implies that it is protected by the EU GDPR regulation, so what is yours stays yours. Furthermore we do our best to secure our systems as best as we can.
Goals for the alpha phase.
We intend to develop the Smederee into a production ready project during the alpha phase. Afterwards we'll phase over into a beta phase during which remaining bugs are squashed and the payment system will be introduced.