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2025-01-31 (Fri), 3:03 PM - ᛏᚩᛋᛏᚪᛚ - 25bc51bc6ff63a878aa2444886eb418675e8fccf


2025-01-31 (Fri), 2:43 PM - ᛏᚩᛋᛏᚪᛚ - 17c5cecd6f3ca20ac8baf1abeba8b8e2af63dffb

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Tired of seeing -> when you could be seeing ? Find coding ligatures to be a misuse of font features ?

nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-coneal is a Neovim plugin ðat uses tree-sitter to conceal operators & keywords into ðeir Unicode representation. Ðis is great for languages ðat haven’t yet implemented Unicode support or where language maintainers have yet to be inlightened by Unicode in ðeir projects.

Goals of ðis project:

  • Replace symbols wið ðose common in pseudocode, maþematics, or APL
  • Don’t consider any of ð above as final if ð meaning is too obscure—particuarly wiþ APL
  • Don’t create symbols meanings just for ð ‘fun’ of it
  • Don’t use a symbol if ðere’s not a good way to represent variants ðat would ruin symmetry (e.g. OCaml uses * & *. for ints & floats, so while × would be preferred, ðere’s no way to represent ×. as a single character & readers would lose ð connection)

Repository & Mirrors

Ð nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal plugin may be found on Smederee . Currently ðere are no mirrors.


Ðis project is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1-or-later) – see ð COPYING.txt & COPYING.lesser.txt files in ðis project for details.


You will need a plugin ðat can lead Tree-sitter grammars. nvim-treesitter seems to be ð community default despite lacking ð “-” between “tree” & “sitter”. Regardless, wiþ ð Neovim community, ðere likely is anoðer option if you boðer searching.


Include ðis repository into your package manager (if your package manager doesn’t support non-Git, raise issues wið ðem). Ðere should be no additional intallation steps. One may:

If using basic nix
  nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal = vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
    pname = "nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal";
    version = "$PATCH_DATE_OR_VERSION";
    src = fetchdarcs {
      url = "https://smeder.ee/~toastal/nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal";
      sha256 = "$SHA256_HASH";
But it may be easier using flake.nix input’s overlay
  input = {
    # …
    nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal = {
      url = "tarball+https://smeder.ee/~toastal/nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/download";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs: {
    # …wherever you do your overlays…
    overlays = [


You are responsible for setting your filetype as well as conceallevel > 0.


Send patches to ð mailing list: https://lists.sr.ht/~toastal/nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal Else, emailing or :ac:`DM`ing ð maker on :ac:`XMPP` is supported.


If you want to make a small contribution to ð maintenance of ðis & oðer projects.
