
Showing details for patch 9d1956f491c836b4c48a039e9b56abf04c74eb95.
2024-06-08 (Sat), 4:28 PM - toastal - 9d1956f491c836b4c48a039e9b56abf04c74eb95

minus & negatives

Summary of changes
7 files modified with 27 lines added and 8 lines removed
  • after/queries/erlang/highlights.scm with 6 added and 3 removed lines
  • after/queries/haskell/highlights.scm with 1 added and 1 removed lines
  • after/queries/lua/highlights.scm with 6 added and 2 removed lines
  • after/queries/nickel/highlights.scm with 3 added and 0 removed lines
  • after/queries/nix/highlights.scm with 4 added and 0 removed lines
  • after/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm with 2 added and 0 removed lines
  • after/queries/php/highlights.scm with 5 added and 2 removed lines
diff -rN -u old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/erlang/highlights.scm new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/erlang/highlights.scm
--- old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/erlang/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
+++ new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/erlang/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
@@ -18,13 +18,16 @@
 ("=/=" @operator (#set! conceal "≠"))
 ("=<" @operator (#set! conceal "≤"))
 (">=" @operator (#set! conceal "≥"))
-("*" @operator (#set! conceal "×"))
-; welp… upstream parser is broken currently
-(ERROR ("/" @operator ) !arity (#set! conceal "÷"))
 ("not" @operator (#set! conceal "¬"))
 ("and" @operator (#set! conceal "∧"))
 ("or" @operator (#set! conceal "∨"))
 ("xor" @operator (#set! conceal "⊻"))
+("-" @operator (#set! conceal "˗"))
+("*" @operator (#set! conceal "×"))
+; welp… upstream parser is broken currently
+(ERROR ("/" @operator ) !arity (#set! conceal "÷"))
+(unary_op_expr ("-" @number) (#set! conceal "⁻"))
 (type_sig (expr_args args: (call (atom) @type.definition (#eq? @type.definition "integer"))) (#set! conceal "ℤ"))
 (type_sig (pipe lhs: (atom) @lhs rhs: (atom) @rhs (#any-of? @lhs "true" "false") (#any-of? @rhs "true" "false") (#not-eq? @lhs @rhs)) @boolean (#set! conceal "𝔹"))
diff -rN -u old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/haskell/highlights.scm new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/haskell/highlights.scm
--- old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/haskell/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
+++ new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/haskell/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 ((operator) @operator (#eq? @operator "<=") (#set! conceal "≤"))
 ((operator) @operator (#eq? @operator ">=") (#set! conceal "≥"))
-(negation ("-" @number) (#set! conceal "⁻"))
 ((operator) @operator (#eq? @operator "-") (#set! conceal "−"))
 ((operator) @operator (#eq? @operator "*") (#set! conceal "×"))
 ((operator) @operator (#eq? @operator "/") (#set! conceal "÷"))
+(negation ("-" @number) (#set! conceal "⁻"))
 (lambda ("\\" @keyword.function . (patterns) (#set! conceal "λ")))
 ((operator) @operator (#eq? @operator ".") (#set! conceal "∘"))
diff -rN -u old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/lua/highlights.scm new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/lua/highlights.scm
--- old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/lua/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
+++ new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/lua/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
@@ -16,9 +16,13 @@
 ("~=" @operator (#set! conceal "≠"))
 ("<=" @operator (#set! conceal "≤"))
 (">=" @operator (#set! conceal "≥"))
-(".." @operator (#set! conceal "‥"))
-("/" @operator (#set! conceal "÷"))
+("-" @operator (#set! conceal "˗"))
 ("*" @operator (#set! conceal "×"))
+("/" @operator (#set! conceal "÷"))
+(unary_expression ("-" @number) (#set! conceal "⁻"))
+(".." @operator (#set! conceal "‥"))
 ((((dot_index_expression table: (identifier) @variable field: (identifier) @field) @function.call)
   (#eq? @variable "math") (#eq? @field "ceil"))
diff -rN -u old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nickel/highlights.scm new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nickel/highlights.scm
--- old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nickel/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
+++ new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nickel/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
 ("&&" @operator (#set! conceal "∧"))
 ("||" @operator (#set! conceal "∨"))
 ("!" @operator (#set! conceal "¬"))
+("-" @operator (#set! conceal "−"))
 ("*" @operator (#set! conceal "×"))
 ("/" @operator (#set! conceal "÷"))
+(infix_expr ("-" @number) (#set! conceal "⁻"))
 ("Bool" @type (#set! conceal "𝔹"))
 ("Number" @type (#set! conceal "ℝ"))
diff -rN -u old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nix/highlights.scm new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nix/highlights.scm
--- old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nix/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
+++ new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/nix/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
@@ -14,8 +14,12 @@
 ("&&" @operator (#set! conceal "∧"))
 ("||" @operator (#set! conceal "∨"))
 ("->" @operator (#set! conceal "→"))
+("-" @operator (#set! conceal "−"))
 ("*" @operator (#set! conceal "×"))
 ("/" @operator (#set! conceal "÷"))
+(unary_expression ("-" @number) (#set! conceal "⁻"))
 ("//" @operator (#set! conceal "⫽"))
 ((ellipses) @variable.parameter.builtin.nix (#set! conceal "…"))
diff -rN -u old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm
--- old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
+++ new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 ((and_operator) @operator (#set! conceal "∧"))
 ((or_operator) @operator (#set! conceal "∨"))
+((sign_operator) @number (#eq? @number "-") (#set! conceal "⁻"))
 (((value_name) @function.call (#eq? @function.call "not")) (#set! conceal "¬"))
 (((value_name) @function.call (#eq? @function.call "sqrt")) (#set! conceal "√"))
diff -rN -u old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/php/highlights.scm new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/php/highlights.scm
--- old-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/php/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
+++ new-nvim-tree-sitter-unicode-conceal/after/queries/php/highlights.scm	2025-02-18 22:42:30.499064533 +0000
@@ -18,10 +18,13 @@
 ("<=" @operator (#set! conceal "≤"))
 ("<=" @operator (#set! conceal "≥"))
 ("<=>" @operator (#set! conceal "⇔"))
-("*" @operator (#set! conceal "×"))
-("/" @operator (#set! conceal "÷"))
 ("!" @operator (#set! conceal "¬"))
 ("&&" @operator (#set! conceal "∧"))
 ("||" @operator (#set! conceal "∨"))
+("-" @operator (#set! conceal "−"))
+("*" @operator (#set! conceal "×"))
+("/" @operator (#set! conceal "÷"))
+(unary_op_expression ("-" @number) (#set! conceal "⁻"))
 ((null) @constant.builtin (#set! conceal "∅"))