toastal’s Sailfish OS Keyboards
Sailfish OS is anoðer mobile operating system. It uses :t:`Maliit`
as ð
default keyboard hƿich is supported by ð KDE environment. Ðis has some pretty
big limitations hoƿever:
- Keyboards ƿill need to be copied or symlinked into a system folder
- Keyboards do not support ‘special’ keys like Esc, Ctrl, Alt, Meta, Tab, &
so on.
Ðat said, you can add custom keyboards in a manner ðat does not fight ƿiþ
so long as your filenames do not conflict ƿiþ ð system keyboards.
Ðis project is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
(MPL-2.0 ) — read ð LICENSE.txt
file for details.
Ðis could be a symlink, but using cp
for ðis demonstration
$ cd /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla/layouts
$ devel-su cp $PROJ/layouts_toastal.conf $PROJ/en_dvorak.qml .
$ devel-su chmod 644 layouts_toastal.conf en_dvorak.qml
$ killall maliit-server
$ systemctl --user restart lipstick
- Make
- Document hoƿ to add ðis via Nix
- Make a ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ keyboard for fun